March 14, 2021

Grow Bags vs Plastic Pots

Planting Containers

Grow Bags vs Plastic Pots
Healthier Plant Root

In pots, the roots of the plants tend to grow in circles entangling themselves. This increases the likelihood of having oxygenation or water stagnation issues, especially in larger pots that lack proper drainage. When the roots reach the edge of a plastic pot they continue growing in search of more water and nutrients only to begin encircling the pot.  This begins the process of structural damage to your plants.  The roots become constricted leading to less water and nutrient intake.  The stem of your plant will also become compressed which leads to tissue damage further restricting nutrient intake.

Grow bags help to alleviate this issue because as the roots come in contact with the edges of the fabric pot they sense the drier soil that is exposed to the air.  At this point, they know they have reached their growth limit.  The roots become "air pruned" which is vital to growing healthy plants in containers. This prevents overgrowth of roots eliminating girdling roots (roots that damage the structure of the plant).  You will also get many more fibrous roots when air pruned.  A more fibrous root system (many small root tips) allows the plants to take in more nutrients and water.  Plastic potted plants encourage a few large roots to dominate and encircle the pot which constricts nutrient uptake.

Grow Bags

Temperature Control

During the heat of summer and in direct sunlight plastic pots can get quite hot.  Since they are not breathable they trap all the heat which can cook your plants.  Grow bags regulate temperature due to their breathable quality.  Excess heat is able to escape from all sides of the grow bag.

Watering Considerations

Since grow bags are porous they require more frequent watering.  However, it is harder to over-water using a grow bag, as any excess moisture is allowed to wick out of the container.  In contrast, a traditional pot may need less watering but it is easy to over water.  If you over-water a plant in a traditional pot they could drown and develop mold or fungus.


Where do you store the pots when not in use? Do they become empty eyesores on the back porch or stacked up in the shed in hopes they don't get crushed or broken in the off season? Traditional pots will need to be stacked for storage in the off season. However grow bags can be folded up and stored with minimal space each season.


Grow bags are lightweight and usually come with built-in handles making them easy to move to different locations. Grow bags can be brought from inside to out with ease and they take up minimal space when storing. Grow bags can even be planted directly in the ground as they are biodegradable.

Advantages of Grow Bags

  • Healthier Root System - Encourage root pruning rather than root circling
  • Temperature Control - Shed excess heat through breathable fabric
  • Prevents Over-watering - Excess water will percolate through the fabric material
  • Easy Storage - Can we folded up and stored with minimal space
  • Versatile - Can be easily moved or planted directly in the ground

Get Started Growing with Your Grow Bags

Want to grow individual plants or small bunches of herbs?  Try these Houseplants™ Grow Bags. They are great for tomatoes, peppers, flowers, herbs, potatoes, small fruiting trees, stevia and many more plants.


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Er. Shashank Gupta

Author & Editor

Founder of Houseplants, Work on Better Air and Food for Humanity.


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