February 25, 2021


A Complete Nutrition for all types of Plants

Houseplants Vermicompost
Houseplants Vermicompost is used as a soil additive, conditioner, and fertilizer. Vermicompost functions to add humus and organic matter to the soil providing bioavailable nutrients to the plants, increasing soil tilth. Vermicompost helps with water infiltration and retention, while buffering excessive acid or alkaline soil conditions. Vermicompost helps store nutrients and keeps them safe from leeching and irrigation.

Houseplants Vermicompost (A Nutrition of Intelligent Plants) is a Complete Nutrition for all types of Plants.

Houseplants Vermicompost is rich in all essential plant nutrients. Provides effect on overall plant growth encourages the growth of new roots, shoots, leaves and improves the quality and shelf life of the produce.

Houseplants Vermicompost is free-flowing, easy to apply, handle, store and odourless. Improve soil structure,  texture, aeration, water holding capacity and prevents soil erosion.

Houseplants Vermicompost

Houseplants Vermicompost is rich in beneficial microflora such as fixers, PSB, cellulose decomposing microflora etc in addition to improving the soil environment.

Houseplants Vermicompost neutralizes soil protection. It prevents nutrient losses and increases the efficiency of soil. Free from the pathogen, toxic elements, weed seed etc.

Houseplants Vermicompost Enhances Germination, Enhances Plant Growth, Enhances Crop Yield, Improves Root Growth.


for any Inquiry :

Er. Shashank Gupta 8687369040, 9454031272

visit : www.houseplants.co.in
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Er. Shashank Gupta

Author & Editor

Founder of Houseplants, Work on Better Air and Food for Humanity.


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